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Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E., CETsr, has been involved with commercial radio systems since 1966.
He has a BSEE from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX; holds an FCC GROL (helped write the FCC GROL current version); has an Extra Class amateur radio license; and, is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Texas.
His experience has included broadcast engineering; LMR system design, installation, and maintenance; manufacturing; training on electronic and communications systems, including PIM and Antenna Line Sweep testing; utilization of communications service monitors; radio paging systems; and military communications systems. Ira has helped develop many of the advanced programs for the Electronics Technicians Association (ETA communications section, including the WCM, USMSS, FDR/LAS, and PIM certifications.
He was responsible for the re-writing (approximately 25%) of the FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License test that was released July 1, 2009. This endeavor was conducted though the Electronics Technicians Association (ETA), whose headquarters are in Greencastle, Indiana.
Ira not only authored and co-authored numerous books (please check out his BOOKS link), but he also authored over 55 magazine articles on radio related technology and applications. See ARTICLES link, or check out for the following issues: April 1, 2003; May 1, 2003; November 1, 2006; November 1, 2007: March, May, and June 2009; March 2010; and, April, 2010 to present. He also wrote an article in the January 2010, issue of Fire Chief Magazine.